Thursday, 30 April 2015


I don't know yet. But I'm thinking. About a lot of different things which might sound completely insane to you. Maybe they are all crazy ideas, but something's brewing, and I am pleased.
Almost after years but there are butterflies dancing and something wonderful has happen in my head or heart, which obviously I am not sure of. But whatever this feeling is about its all just very blissful.
I am feeling alive and excited and brand new again.
It is crazy.
I know.
But it's real.
I remember a bible passage which I once read in school assembly "Behold, old things are passed away. All things are becoming new."

Well it doesn't take much to be happy and feel the same bliss that I am feeling. Just get rid of everything that disturbs you, bothers you or make you feel guilty. Take everyday as a new blessing as a new chance to live all over again. Don't give a fuck about how much you spent on your last purchase just look how much you are left with and what all you can do with it.
Be productive. Make people happy, stay happy.  
One needs to say good bye and if you don't do that in a satisfactory way, then you might never get rid of all the splinters out of your soul and it might give you a lot of trouble in every step you take, every decision you make. You just can't sit back and wash years of your life without saying good-bye.
Or can  you?
Well, you gotta make up your mind.
Not just yet. But maybe later.
And let me know what you come up with when everything's "Brewed".
Or before that, if I can help x 

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