Sunday 13 July 2014

Lights Camera Action !

Hello Bees,
It's a new start,  a new dream, a new love and a completely new world.
PHOTOGRAPHY presently for me is longing which with the passage of time slowly and steadily is coming true. All that I ever wanted has come to me in one way the other and now here it is MY DSLR to fulfill yet another Shauk of mine that is to click.
You know I always had a picture of me in my mind holding a camera standing amidst the summer crops and gusty wind blowing away my long locks of hair & I, I am completely lost in the love of photography clicking pictures of things I don't really no about. But the beauty is insisting to get clicked or maybe I am clicking because the allmighty wants me to seize his creation.
Oh yes, the name QUEEN BEE the story behind this name is very straight forward just like the bees I am going to buzz around and click pictures not just pictures but yes some amazing pictures. Do Stay in touch to see the new world through my new eyes.
Ah ! That feeling when your dreams are fulfilling cannot be explained well in words or say maybe the writer in me is not so illustrious.
As Mr. Lewis Hine said "If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera."
Similar is the case with me.
I've attached a picture of me holding my camera- the new found love.
The future posts will be in regard with the pictures I click.

Happy watching to you !
Happy clicking to me !

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