Tuesday 14 October 2014

A little prayer.

I am here in KSA. Sitting in front of the holiest place on the earth THE KA'BAH for Allah has bestowed me with this golden opportunity.
I don't know you, Or you might not know me or you may have forgotten me. Anyways I am human, you are a human and so I pray for you, for your family, for your health & wealth. May Allah bless you with akal & shakal and dhan & daulat. ;)
To all those who are reading this I love you all and with all sincerity and love I pray for your well being. May Allah SWT also give you this opportunity to visit this sacred land.
May he fulfill all our desires and dreams. Protect us from all the evil and show us the right direction in every field.
O Allah we are indeed the most sin doers please forgive us for all our sins that we've been doing jaane ya anjaane. We are in the end your children o lord please listen to us, to our forgiveness, to our needs. For there's no one besides you who can help us. We are the wrong doers please guide us, protect us and love us.
Stay blessed x

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