Saturday 10 January 2015


Dear God,
I have taken up this project to write 500words everyday till the next 31 days. I'm not sure whether I'd be able to complete the challenge or not but I am going to try. I am not going to be worried about anything or anyone if I say dear God then everything I say goes to you and I can't hide anything from you so I am going to play honest this time.
So here I begin with you as my addressee, because I think only you can understand me better, and not be judging all the time. If I do wrong you will forgive me, if I ever fall you will support me, if I am confused you will guide me, if I lie you will excuse me, if I die than I know you will welcome me. My hope lies in you and I know you will always help me like you've always did.
I know if humans, or no animals disguised as humans read this they might say that you will not hear me and that I am just being foolish, but I do believe in you. My faith is just as strong as the force you've put in all the robust things on this earth.
My day began with a terrific urge to drink coffee, couldn't sleep last night and my head was spinning like a gyre. With a plenty of things going inside me which I think if I put to paper it would reveal a terrible insight of my heart and mind. Not that I am heart broken or cheated upon or lost or an orphan, No I am blessed with so many things all thanks to you but I guess its my nature to worry, to be tensed even for the little things in life but this isn't me either if I am good and blissful than I am the happiest and the most cheerful. So we can say that I am going through severe mood disorder and if not taken care of I might just loose onto many important people and things in my life.
But I think I don't care now, who comes, who stays and who leaves. I am going to die alone.
That's enough for today hope I crossed the limit.
Thank you Allah Mia for listening to me.
Love you FOREVER x

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